Ruh ro, looks like Big Dick had his very own little 8-year CIA program going in the shadows of the Bush administration.
How could he hide that from Congress and President Bush? Because he's the devil, that's how.
In related news, Attorney General Eric Holder says he is "leaning toward investigating" torture and other Bush era felonies.
On the bright side, if Cheney was convicted and sent to prison, I doubt anyone would rape him. Who'd want to rape Satan?
They can't keep ignoring all the horribly illegal acts that Cheney and his bunch committed. I'm certain he's staying in the public eye and continuing to build his defenses so that if/when his acts can't be ignored he may be able to garner some support from the lunatic fringe.
The red eyes are perfect.
We watched "Rendition" this weekend and were left so sickened that we skipped dessert. (Great American sacrifice).
All too real, except for the guy getting to go home.
He's going to be daring Big Steve to steal him from Bubba's attentive spooning when he gets his pasty wattles thrown in the shithouse for 10-20...
We can only HOPE that Holder will go after him. They'd have a shitload of evidence to convict him, but they always have--yet they've let him run around the country bad-mouthing Pres Obama and everyone else he can get his claws on.
I think death turned out to be a fantastic way of resurrecting Michael Jackson's career.
I think a fatal heart attack would do wonders for Dick's career, too.
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