This is the house Todd Palin said he built with his own hands, "with the help of some contractor buddies" whom the Palins refused to name.
The wood, the windows and other materials used in building the home match materials used in building the $12 million sports complex that then-Wasilla Mayor Sarah Palin insisted the tiny hamlet needed.
I believe Palin arranged to get a free house built by the same crew she awarded the sports complex contract to.
There's your crime, there's your scandal, and there's the end of her political career. Just watch and see.
the village voice wrote about this back in october of last year. scroll down to the bottom for the part about the house and the sports complex.
if the rumors are true, we're talking about a federal indictment. princess might be able to schmooze, threaten, or fire state attorneys, and the rethugs in the legislature wouldn't do a damned thing, but she can't control the feds. it will be interesting to see if toddie will take the fall if they both get charged. she'll whine about having to take care of her props...i mean kids. i think toddie's a moronic asshole, but i think he at least showed some affection toward his kids, unlike his wife.
Hey, I can see the windows of the Wasilla Sports Complex from my kitchen!
maybe she is having a thing with Putin, when he reared his ugly head
i bet the Palin household has mega-mosquitos
sounds as good as any. I'm feeling quite sure there is a scandal. It all adds up.
Come on now, just because her windows match those on the sport complex and her master bath has a row of fifteen urinals doesn't mean there was any malfeasance. That's crazy talk.
That back porch and the whole back of the house faces (sits on) a fabulous lake where they also keep their big boat parked. The Palin's sure do know how to stretch a dollar. They live like royalty on a total income of around $250k in an extremely expensive state with 5? kids, one grandchld and all the toys they could possibly have.
Kiby OMG how hilarious was that 15 urinals line?
kirby's comment is one of the funniest things i have read evah!
I think the end of her political career was when she opened her mouth the first time to the nation.
i bet sarah has stood at all of the urinals
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