It was so hot today, the coolest I could get my office was 82 degrees, and that was with air conditioning and a fan.
I finally left my office and went to the coolest part of the house, the living room.
I laid on the couch and realized my back hurt. So I went outside, got the mail and used the L.L. Bean catalog I found in my mailbox as a heating pad. Seriously.
Any politician who persists in saying there is no global warming needs to be wrapped in a woolen blanket and thrown onto my crispy front lawn.
good for you for being so energy efficient and finding a good use for an already heated ll bean catalog! i'm very proud of you!
p.s. the word verification word is enersag. i think it was supposed to be energy, but it was so frickin' hot, even the word began to sag in the heat.
Anything over 90, in my book is just *too damned hot*. On second thought make that 85.
I have just finished ten days of triple digit heat and the accompanying humidity.
My condolences KZ.
Our friend is going to visit her family up in Michigan and we're actually considering joining her for a couple of days just to get out of this oppressive heat. I'm not a midwest kind of person, but the temp in Michigan is very tempting.
I think I am living in the only part of the country that 'isn't hot'. Just north of here it was in the upper 40's overnight.
I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area, and we have had a very mild summer so far, and only one minor heat wave in the spring.
This is not to say we are seeing global cooling. Our nastiest days tend to be in August and September.
It's still really cool up here in the Alleghenies of Central PA too. I'm really starting to dread going to Texas in late August for Little Sis's wedding. I'll rely on you, Zipdrive, to fan me!
80° makes me cringe. 107° makes me want to live in the freezer.
A wedding in Austin in August sounds like it'll be too hot to honeymoon.
It's a rainy summer in VT so far, just as last year's. It's 62 with big clouds. Tomorrow's supposed to be sunny, then right back to showers and thunder showers.
But at least there's water, I guess.
dguz, can we trade houses with you while you're at the wedding in Austin? Tell the happy couple to pack some Desitin for their big day.
Sorry to hear of your heat woes. GW is definitely in full swing although lucky for us in Southern CA it's giving us a break for awhile. This year was the first "spring" we've had for about 3 years. It's nice now so I won't complain.
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