On Chris Matthews' Hardball tonight, some Republican dimwit in Congress kept saying he respected the second amendment and had no issue whatsoever with openly armed citizens attending town hall meetings.
I'd like to see some guys who look like this arm themselves with some serious fire power and walk into a typical Texas town hall meeting held by a Republican.
Hey, it's a constitutional right to bear arms, right?
He needs these guys in the pic to strap on their guns and show up at his next town hall. And they should bring some automatic assault rifles with 'em!
They're perfectly legal, right?
So encouraging nuts to show up and scream everyone down wasn't enough, now they're encouraging them to arm themselves.
This will escalate until someone is killed because they stood up for everyone having health care. I'm sickened. And the saddest part is that it worked - health care for all is not going to happen.
Times like this I wish I had a small arsenal of weapons so I could pass them out to my yard guys and other thuggish types and take them to some GOP town hall meetings.
You Tube, anyone?
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