You see the little guys wearing all white? They are the Texas A&M "Yell Leaders," known everywhere else on Earth as cheerleaders. After an A&M victory, the Aggie Corpsmen chase them down and make them... uhh... yell like pigs!
And guess who was a "yell leader" back in '72?
Rick Perry.
Yep, even back then he was a faggie Aggie.
Had to click on the picture to embiggen it. The drab uniforms made the chasers look nekkid, in which case I would run like hell, too.
I don't know what the deal is with Texas politicians but W was a cheerleader in college too. How is it none of Texas' male politicians have ever been caught doing what they're not supposed to be doing?
They get caught, it's just that nothing ever happens.
Cheerleaders are Republicans--standing on the sidelines getting manic while the other guys take the big hits.
i guess rick perry gives new meaning to doing the football team
The REAL smart ones don't play sports OR cheerlead. They friggin' study.
Thank you. This has been a soapbox announcement.
You tell 'em, JimBob.
I forgot to mention you and my pal Rowdy are both Aggies.
Thank you JimBob, I couldn't have said it better.
faggie aggie--will that be on the campaign posters?
Are they really playing football? They look like a bunch of soldiers in khakis chasing a few very white guys.
No, the Aggie Corpsmen traditionally storm the football field after a win and chase the yell leaders.
What they do once they catch them is open to speculation.
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