Friday, July 04, 2003

Achy Breaky Neck

Yesterday I spend several consecutive hours making la a birthday card. I apparently held my head in one place too long and I think I broke my neck.
I was so immobilized and in so much pain I went frantically digging through my meds like a junkie. Thank God for leftover Flexeril and Canadian Tylenol with codeine.
I think I may have had a few phone calls after the meds had kicked in, so let me apologize in advance to anyone to whom I may have said something inadvertent.
The girlfriend called from the coast late last night. It rained all day and she was stuck in her RV with 2 friends, 2 kids and a Border Collie. Egads, I'm glad I'm on a beach timeout.
She's been clean and sober for 17 years now. I am sure she felt like she was talking to Judy Garland on a bender.
This morning I feel better. I can actually turn my head a little. My bed smells like icy hot ache ointment. How romantic.
Now all I have to do is rest up for a barbecue I'm attending this afternoon. You know you're getting old when you have to rest up for a party.
I guess the next stage will be pantsuits, knee-high hose and even more sensible shoes.

Y'all have a safe and happy Fourth.

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