Monday, October 31, 2005

Alito: Finito.

Bush's latest blunder comes in the form of nominating Anton Scolia-Lite, a radical right-wing judge named Samuel Alito.
He's a choice sure to mollify Bush's right-wing nutter base, but he's not a judge who will unify our splintered nation.
Bush has already proven he has serious picker problems when he tried to foist Harriet Miers off on us. This latest nominee is a dark menace.
I hope the Democrats filibuster this jackass until their vocal cords fray.


JimBob said...

I wonder...if the Dems DO try to filibuster, will the repubes pull the nuclear option out again?

This time they have nothing to lose - their party is going to hell in a handbasket right about now anyway.

Karen Zipdrive said...

The drums already are pounding against this latest right-wing dork.
Bush selected him-so we know he's another partisan Neanderthal with a discriminatory agenda.
I can't wait till MoveOn gets their talons into him.

Karen Zipdrive said...

I too was horrified when Frist dragged Scolito by Rosa Parks casket.
Nothing like politicizing a cause they didn't believe in then and don't believe in now, eh?
Libby may be out of the MSM for now, but the Blogosphere has changed how we get our news.
I think it's good. It gives St. Patrick Fitzgerald some elbow room to nail the rest of these treasonous sociopaths in the West Wing.

Unknown said...

jesus I was so pissed when I saw Frist and that fucknut Alito walking past Mrs. Parks casket.

I heard today that Bush is saying that the dems have twice confirmed Alito and there is no excuse to jerk him out now..

If the dems did rubberstamp this dipshit twice..that doesnt look good at all. The public will see any bitching by the dems as just partisanship.

The Educated Eclectic said...

Alito is in...we have not had a Democratic party for more years than most realize.

Karen Zipdrive said...

I don't think Alito is in, per se.
Considering Bush's fuckup with the Miers nomination, any Senator worth his or her salt had better step up and microscope this little fascist but good.
C-Span will be getting some big coverage.

Karen Zipdrive said...

(next day)
Nope! The Democrats are lining up to filibuster this Bush puppet and the GOP are lining up to change the filibuster rules.
Use it or lose it, Demos.

Karen Zipdrive said...

To hell with all that. If Bush picked him, he's a crook with an agenda.

Karen Zipdrive said...

Yeah, but the Senate can still filibuster the shit out of the nomination and make enough racket to further embarrass the Pinhead-in-Chief.