Alaska panel finds Palin abused power in firing

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — A bipartisan legislative committee investigating Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has found she unlawfully abused her authority in firing the state's public safety commissioner. The investigative report concludes that a family grudge wasn't the sole reason for firing Public Safety Commissioner Walter Monegan but says it likely was a contributing factor.
The Republican vice presidential nominee has been accused of firing a commissioner to settle a family dispute. Palin supporters have called the investigation politically motivated.
Monegan says he was dismissed as retribution for resisting pressure to fire a state trooper involved in a bitter divorce with the governor's sister. Palin says Monegan was fired as part of a legitimate budget dispute..."
Well, there you have it.
She's a fucking liar who abused the powers of her office to indulge in a petty family grudge against her ex brother-in-law.
Hey, I don't like my ex sister-in-law but I never broke the law to prove it. For one, I love my nephew and I'd never disrespect him by causing any harm to his whore of a mother. For another, I believe in karma and think it takes care of the assholes in our midst.
In Palin's case, it just did.
Gotcha, bitch.
Today's political news was the gift that will keep on givin' dontcha know? *wink*
This oughta deflate that fucking windbag Caribou Harpie, and the icing on the cake: McLame was forced to face up to his stupid choice to rile up the KKKrazies. Anna Marie Cox, traveling with the McLame campaign, spoke tonight on Maddow's show about how now, the only ones at his rallies are the lunatic fringe who oozed out from under their rocks when Mooselini & McInsane told them that Obama is a 'terrist.' Now it's biting the old fuck in his saggy, useless ass. He had to stutteringly retract the shit, and his KKKrowd booed him. Poor McInsane.
I could NOT be happier. I'm having a glass of Chardonnay (or 10) and toasting you and all of us who have striven to keep this shit out there so everyone can find out what huge piles of pig shit these people are.
Of course, we have to remain diligent and kick the fuck out of them while they are down until election day and perhaps beyond, because Rove is trying to use ACORN against Obama and we need to get all over that.
Couldn't have happened to a nicer pitbull.
I am mystified by the right to refuse a subpeona. Doesn't the state have the right to issue a bench warrant on the bitch?
Looks like the Toddster, simple, honest, salt of the earth pinhead that he is, just couldn't stop talking to the investigators and seriously stepped in a moose turd, then stuck his foot in his mouth, just to mix a couple of unappetizing metaphors.
She's the governor, she can fire who she wants, but lying about the reasons is a boo-boo.
I hope Monegan sues the bastids blind.
On Monday, when we all have to face excuse making GOP lemmings at the office or wherever-- just remember to tell them the investigative panel in Alaska consisted of only four Democrats and 10 Republicans.
I hereby exonerate myself from all future criminal actions.
A few things that are under reported in this: 1-the ONLY allegations of misconduct against Wooten have come from members of the Palin/Heath families. If Wooten was such a terrible officer, wouldn't others have turned him in as well? I admit that Wooten sounds like an unhinged crazy person, but they could be framing him as well.
2- The guy that Palin hired to replace Moneghan lasted only ten days because his own sexual harrassment scandal came to light. They paid him 100,000 dollars severance. In the current climate of hatin' on golden parachutes, I bet most Americans would be pretty pissed off about a guy earning $1000/day for a job he had to quit in disgrace.
I, too, saw where they said that the whole investigation was unfair because not all the parties had been heard from. How's that one go, about the kid who murders his parents asking for mercy from the judge because he is an orphan?
Buzzflash has been covering Palin's wacky religion. Honestly, she seems about a forehead tattoo shy of being Charles Manson with her wacky soldiers rising up to save the earth philosophy.
A few things that are under reported in this: 1-the ONLY allegations of misconduct against Wooten have come from members of the Palin/Heath families. If Wooten was such a terrible officer, wouldn't others have turned him in as well? I admit that Wooten sounds like an unhinged crazy person, but they could be framing him as well.
2- The guy that Palin hired to replace Moneghan lasted only ten days because his own sexual harrassment scandal came to light. They paid him 100,000 dollars severance. In the current climate of hatin' on golden parachutes, I bet most Americans would be pretty pissed off about a guy earning $1000/day for a job he had to quit in disgrace.
I, too, saw where they said that the whole investigation was unfair because not all the parties had been heard from. How's that one go, about the kid who murders his parents asking for mercy from the judge because he is an orphan?
Buzzflash has been covering Palin's wacky religion. Honestly, she seems about a forehead tattoo shy of being Charles Manson with her wacky soldiers rising up to save the earth philosophy.
omg! i have it almost all figured out. there's just one piece of the puzzle missing. princess sarah wanted monegan and wooten fired, because one of them is the actual father of trig!
p.s. matty boy, i hope toddy chokes on the moose shit.
how can i possibly add to the above
this woman is a disgrace to humanity.
Palin is a horrible mix of Bush and Cheney.
She's as dumb as Bush and as evil and conniving as Dick.
Thank God she's from a wilderness state nobody ever hears about. When she's sent back to Alaska in defeat, I hope she permanently disappears from the radar.
Alas, the report is toothless.
Hoo boy, I'm LMAO at everyone's comments. Helenwheels totally included all the wise ass remarks I was thinking.
If we can just keep a tight grip on Diebold we'll be home free.
YES we need to win by a landslide. And WE WILL!!! Or I'll be in the street w/a pitchfork 'n' torch on Nov. 5th.
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