I'm not saying having holes in one's shoes is a desirable trait, I'm saying it's nice to see Obama is more concerned with substance than style.
I think recent revelations about the GOP's $150,000 efforts to clean up their dowdy hockey mom settles the elitist issue.
It's been said a presidential candidate has to be a millionaire to even get in the race, and I have no doubt the Obamas are worth at least a million dollars.
I'm just pleased to see they shop off the rack like the rest of us so they understand regular people who have to live within a reasonable budget.
As for Obama and his shoes, I don't think anyone who contributed to his campaign would make a peep if they heard he spent $200 on a new pair.
Let them have their designer clothes, I'll take a pair of worn out shoes on an intelligent decent guy any day of the week.
True... and those old shoes are so much more comfortable.
The guy's got style no matter what. They could dress him in Goodwill cast-offs and he'd still be able to dazzle just by smiling and speaking.
Mcgeezer? Not so much. McFailin'? As if.
Bah. Barack Hussein X probably stole those shoes off a homeless guy. I mean, he's planning on stealing everyone's pie.
Republicans just hate the idea that there are some wealthy people who understand that paying taxes and caring about the less privileged is a noble thing. They want to believe that superiority comes with an AMEX gold card. And that superiority gets them off the hook for caring about anything but making more money.
The Obamas earn their money. Palin is on the dole with the the RNC and her state. What a tool she is for running her mouth about Obama.
Has anyone asked Madam Country First if all those clothes were made in the U.S.A?
Saks and Neimans more than any other national department stores represent the most outrageous of overpriced clothes.....
If nothing else, it shows a complete insensitivity and cluelessness about what the average American is going through financially these days.
Shame on whomever was responsible for this shopping spree!
The shoes are props for a posed elite-MSM photo-op making Obama appear as being a "Regular Joe". Only Vince Vaughn can be a Regular Joe. I know. I saw the movie.
You gotta love that pic. And a day after the $150,000 shopping spree makes the news. LOL! YES indeed someone should check to see if FAilin's clothes were made in the USA or not.
Obama is a class act, indeed.
Michelle Obama said that they only recently paid off their college loans and that was thanks to Obama's two best selling books.
stacy and clinton could have gotten her a complete new wardrobe for $5000.
Their failure of a campaign is a dismal reminder of how they'd run things if they get in charge.
And by contrast, look how Obama's campaign has been run thus far... completely PERFECT.
He really grows on ya, doesn't he?
O's kids teased him about a 10 yr old belt and his office mates at one point took up collection cause his shoes were depressingly worn to them !! We call that focused Sarah !
oh dusty - you nailed it!
my word verification
dont even get started
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