What more can be said about 7x convicted felon Ted Stevens besides "thanks for the extra Democratic Senate seat, you fuckin' Republican fuck!"
As for Douche #2, get a load of this:
-First Joe the Plumber said he was an actual plumber who wanted to buy a quarter million dollar plumbing business on a $40k salary. Huh? Shouldn't he invest in some decent furniture before he springs for an expensive new plumbing business?
-Then he bitched about Obama raising his taxes when it turns out he's in arrears on his taxes. How can your taxes be raised when you don't pay them to begin with?
-Then he said he wanted to run for Congress.
-Then he said he wanted to write his autobiography.
-Then he said Obama as president "would mean death to Israel." Honestly, does this guy look like he'd know shit about Israel, much less care?
-NOW he's hired a publicist in order to launch his new career as a...
-Country music recording artist!!!
Are all Republicans suddenly insane, or have they always been, only not so obvious about it?
These two Republicans are a couple of real shitlicks.
Just when McCain and Palin damn near had the market cornered on GOP douchebaggery, they get upstaged by a has-been and a never was?
I am so happy I've never dabbled in being a Republican. By now it has to be an embarrassment of gigantic proportions.
Today during one of my elevator polls, a young woman said she'd just voted, for McCain. She actually looked down at the floor as if she was ashamed of herself. Good. She should have been ashamed, the dumb fuck.
As for Joe and Ted, I hope that hundreds more seek their 15 minutes of fame between now and Nov. 4.
When Republican grandiosity meets mediocrity, hilarity ensues!
Note: Even Fox News called Joe the Plumber on his Israel comments.
Jeeeeeezus Christ.
Yeah I guess I did too :
my mother Ted Stevens age, she volunteers at her church, with seniors, delivers meals to shut ins and burns up her camera batteries on my 6 kids. I can't imagine a person in her age group going down for 7 charges like Ted to Nowhere. how f-ing pathetic...
I doubt Stevens will see much if any prison time. He'll just retire and relax in his remodeled mansion, then get some hack to write his memoirs on how he went from crooked politician to born again Christian or some such crap.
Wow. Alaska is emerging as a political cesspool even more fetid than Louisiana or Texas.
Just to let you know. I want both of my blogs to blow up to giant size, get massive amounts of press, some nice cash and sex with either Indira Varma or Melissa Theuriau.
But at no time will I ever hire a publicist. I'm insane, I'm not goofy.
Matty Boy's dreams are awesome! I want that for me too!
These guys are such scumbags--but the repugs must just keep trying to outdo each other on the scumbag scale, because it's gotten way ridiculous.
With either? Bah! At the same time!
dguzman, we've already quarreled over Gillian, we gonna have another throwdown here? ;-)
I can't wait for that Plumber Joe and the Fish album.
don't count out ted stevens just yet. alaskans are attached to him, sentimentally and by the money he brings to the state. i don't personally understand how they could vote for a convicted felon, but i don't live in alaska. the senate won't vote to oust him until all his appeals are used up, and that could take years. i hope alaskans will decide to say no to corruption, but these are people who voted for don young, the murkowskis, and sarah palin, so who the hell knows what will happen?
Off topic, but I was curious... Is the Zipdrive show going to be live anytime soon? Like at Tycoon Flats or Sam's or something? I've never been in the audience, but I'd like to someday. Online heckling is surely not as fun as the real thing. ;)
HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAA!! This will ease your anger......
Joe the Plumber throws McCain under the Straight Jacket Express Bus
Just checked the Senate polls and in Alaska Begich is 48.6% and Stevens is now down to 45%.
Having lived in Alaska I knew many many wonderful people. But I also found it to be a place where some serious pervs and crooks go to hide out when Florida won't have them anymore. Alaskans love their anonymity and Palin and Stevens have both breached the code so my guess is that neither will be embraced once they lose their respective races.
Oh yeah, and Sam the Unemployed admitted he was (unlawfully) plumbing without a plumbers license. I'm thinking he didn't report his unlicensed toilet snaking income to the IRS.
why should alaskans get rid of the old fart? the senate kept larry craig in -- and ted brings them money --- you know - SOCIALISM!
this country is turning into a giant cesspool of turds ----- the fact that we are STILL talking about joe the plumber is friggin sad....
oh how i pine for the runaway bride
Yesterday, I was in attendance at my sister's wedding to her partner (yay!) and 2 of my brothers flew in from Chicago. One of the is a Plumber. I asked what he thought of Joe The Plumber and he rolled his eyes and said, "That guy is an unlicensed fraud and should shut the hell up because he's an insult to plumbers everywhere."
Also, the other visiting brother helped said sis & her partner take down a couple of "Yes on Prop 8" signs. I love it that we're all in our 40's and still act 16.
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