The MCCain/Palin crampaign doesn't care if Joe the Plumber was neither a licensed plumber nor a guy named Joe, now they are peppering their campaign speeches with all sorts of So-and-So the Such-and-Such references who allegedly support them. Corny, but they think it's working for them.
I figured I'd match them with a few of my own, only these are Obama supporters, and not in any particular order.
My fellow Americans, there are ordinary people out there who know Barack Obama will help them by giving them tax cuts because they earn less than $200,000 a year and they won't have their health insurance benefits taxed.
They include:
Alex the IT Guy, April the Computer Nerd, Anna the Social Worker, Albert the Nephew, Bedia the Nursing Student, Angela the Hotel Manager, Adam the co-worker, Bert the CFO, Beth the Petroleum Engineer, Bettie the Lobbyist, Billy the retired guy, Brett the dowager empress, Cris the ex-girlfriend, Clay the newspaper editor, Cynthia the college professor, Cynthia the psychologist, Chari the Computer Nerd, Chica the hot older woman, Cindy the retired teacher, Dee the life coach, D-Cup the blogger, Dierdre the Park Ranger, D-Guz the ex-Texan, Donna the message therapist, Dusty the Blogger, Evan the New Yorker, Elaine the art director, Elena the politician, Fran the Christian, Gare the gay guy, Gene the gay artist, Graciela the Radical Latina, Hannah the Genius, Hedda the Diva, Helen the Blogger, Irene the college professor, Jenny the environmentalist, Janice the psychotherapist, Jan the Midwife, Jeannie the cousin, Jesse the neighbor, Jessica the single mom, Jill the rich lesbian, Jody the Jew, John the Cousin, Julien the smoking hot lesbian writer, Kathy the rich lady, Katie the cat lady, Kathy the paralegal, Katie the Jewish broad, Libby the Liberal, Lynne the boss, Mathman the teacher, Matty the Boy, Marlene the lawyer, Martha the jewelry designer/actress, Melody the horse rancher, Michelle the designer, Mollie the weed smoker, Monkey the Muck, Maralyn the Cool Black Friend, Nonnie the Photoshopper, Nan the cooler Black Friend, Nancy the Rocket Scientist, Nell the skinny waitress, Nancy the whiny neighbor, Princess the Sparkle Pony, Pagie the Republican, Patrica the Cajun, Patti the Loudmouth Asshole, Robert the old Gay Guy, Rick the Buddy, Rita the lawyer, Robin the Cute Chick, Roger the Redneck, Roz the Hilarious Black Chick, Ruth the pothead, Rene the hot lesbian, Sandra the Rehabber, Sandra the Investigator, Shelley the Boston Jew, Sharron the lover-in-law, Sonia the Frenchwoman, Sparticus the IT Auditor, Stephanie the Smart Girl, Therese the lover-in-law, Tippy the Shrink, Trish the photographer, Vickie the Drunk Lawyer, Willie the Personal Trainer ...and more.
I'm not that old! :)
Oh, I didn't mean you darlin'-- I meant that *other* Robert.
I'd like to suggest MathMan the teacher. Can we be downright magnanimous and include Dee the overt racist, while we're at it? Maybe once she sees that an Obama presidency isn't the end of the world, she'll be a little less horrid.
and now joe the plumber wants to hang up his plunger and be joe the congressman. hahahahahahhhhhh!!! does he really think that he can stretch his 15 minutes of fame all the way to congress? he'll be crawling back into his own buttcrack in a little over a week, never to be seen again, except when there's a really slow day over at faux news. either that, or mr. clean retires and needs to be replaced.
p.s. thanks for including me!
My dearest Zip....
I demand a retraction!!!!
In the spirit of "Karen the Illustrious Illustrator", I should prefer the moniker "Brett the 21st Century Erato"....
However, should you persist in your characterization, in the interest of scrupulous accuracy, please revise to "Brett the Dowager Empress"!!!!!
Okay, okay Brett.
Princess the Sparkle Pony!
I'm in.
I would like to meet Mollie and Vickie just for shits and giggles. ;)
Great list and thanks for the inclusion sweet woman!
Mollie you would love. Vickie- not so much. But she is a Democrat, albeit a mean one.
did you see the frostbitten little rogue in Leesburg VA today standing alongside Joe Hardhat in his shades, work vest and carhart jacket trying not to look like an extra from some gay porn shoot ? the guy was nodding and when she said she wanted to blah blah blah the peeeple the guy nodded and pointed his thumb at his own chest like WTF is this now a gesturer for the hard of hearing or the slow of wit ? you know she was saying mofo don't get an inch closer to my nieman marcus fucking blouse with your dirty self or I'm gonna crack that hardhat wide open...
And here I thought I was your friend. Sheesh... I'm beginning to think you've got something against IT auditors. ;^)
awwwww someone told you about my accent!
Gotcha covered Sparticus!
D-Cap---umm it was mentioned once or twice...
Heh. Great list, and thanks for including me (unless you know another Jew in Boston named Shelley ....)!
Ok, yeah... I'm a nerd. But at least Chari is too! :P
So flattered to be included in this illustrious list! I'd like to meet a few of these people, including Jill the rich lesbian if she's looking for a Sugar-Baby...
You can also include:
jessica the single mom, I'd be proud to be a part of it. Great post, really great. Thanks
Hey, I may be 53, but I'm not gay!
By the way, what happened to Bob the Builder, Sam the Butcher, Josie the Plumber, Mack the Knife, Tom-Tom the Piper's Son, Larry the Cable Guy, John the Baptist, Jake the Snake, and I.M. the Walrus? Goo Goo Ga-Joob.
Jessica- I got ya.
Robert, I have to know the people, but I loved your list.
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