Good for them.
Protesting diesel fuel prices that have increased more than 100 percent in one year, truckers nationwide have pledged to pull their trucks over and park them for the next three days.
With American oil companies posting record profits of more than $250 billion in the last year, we motorists are getting fucked without a scintilla of governmental oversight to help put an end to this highway robbery.
Traditionally, diesel fuel was either about the same or slightly less than standard gasoline we use in our personal vehicles.
Looks like the oil industry recognized the trucking industry's necessity for diesel fuel and jacked up the prices without a bit of fear of reprisal.
Today in Congress, oil company executives claimed their price hikes "were no different from other corporate rate hikes for their products." How they were able to say that without snickering defies the imagination.
Forget the war.
Forget the investment banking bailouts.
Forget the recession teetering on depression.
If I were a Democratic candidate for President, I'd say, "In 1999, gas was 99 cents a gallon. Now it's more than $3 a gallon. In four more years of GOP 'leadership,' gas will end up costing you $6, to $7, to $8 a gallon. Had enough?"
Skyrocketing gas and diesel prices cause ALL consumer goods to rise in cost. Salaries are not keeping pace with these increases.
Do oil companies really need to make $250 billion in PROFITS?
Hell, no.
Go, truckers, go!
I hope that the vast majority of Truckers can do this...it would sure slow down the economy since the bulk of our products are moved by truck.
I remember the last time diesel went up like that. Too many truckers had to get another job to feed their families.
Finally Congress is asking the questions. Can't imagine what took 'em so damn long.
Let the oil companies make whatever profit the market will bear. As long as they aren't evading anti-trust laws, go for it. We could all do with some higher gas prices. I can't think of anything else that will more quickly draw Americans to the personal virtue of energy conservation.
But as for government subsidies, tax breaks and corporate welfare for oil companies, clearly those are entirely unnecessary. End them now.
Personal virtue?
How about some fucking CORPORATE virtue for a change?
Please do not let the Bush crowd delude you into thinking we are all wasting gas like a bunch of rappers backstage with champagne.
When Oil Companies collude to jack up prices and the dimwit crook president refuses to dip into American oil reserves to ease the pressure, let's not use the word virtue.
We are sitting on millions and millions of gallons of American crude oil. What are we, saving it for a rainy day?
It's raining.
Hold up sister. The first corporate virtue is make a profit for your shareholders. That's not good or bad. That's just how the system works. Now to demand that the state step in and stipulate how much money any company or industry is allowed to make is a road I would rather not walk down. State control of the economy has been tried... in the Soviet Union.
And like I said above, so long as they aren't evading anti-trust laws, go for it. You are implying they are. Prove it and lock up the offenders. If on the other hand Congress is yelling at rich white men simply for the sake of scoring some cheap political points, that's just useless harassment.
"We are sitting on millions and millions of gallons of American crude oil."
Karen, are you joining the drill in ANWR crowd?
Anon, I understand your points; however, I don't think even you would argue with the fact that when we're facing the kind of price inflation we're facing, to see the companies make RECORD profits off us is, to put it mildly, repugnant, if not illegal. I don't think anyone is talking about limiting a company's profits; I do believe, however, that they should be forced to pay fees (for want of a better word) when their profits are breaking records every freakin' quarter. Seeing Exxon's chief get yet another bonus for jacking up prices starts to wear a little thin when the rest of us are scrimping and saving just to buy enough gas to drive to work.
Lastly, why didn't you sign your name?
Bravo anonymous, I agree with you totally. Has anyone asked what kind of profits are being made by ethanol corn farmers?
OMG, anon, let me say this so an idiot can understand it: PRICE GOUGING IS ILLEGAL. Price gouging occurs when the increases in prices (in this case, gas) are not what would be predicted by the standard supply and demand paradigm that presumes a market is performing competitively. Both price gouging and unjust enrichment are illegal. And just because one industry price gouges doesn't mean all the other are allowed to do the same.
Profit is fine, but don't fuck the entire country just because a greedy ignorant president allows it to happen. US citizens need to stop this crap because no one is protecting us.
Thank you big sis..you said it so well..I didn't have to worry about it.
Kudos dear woman :)
Who are the bad guys? Why these fat cat oil company CEOs of course! Where's the tar? Where are the feathers? Nevermind the devaluation of the dollar, the increasing scarcity of oil, and the destabilizing effect of the war in Iraq that the Dems refuse to stop funding!
People, this is political theater. It's all bullshit until someone can prove there is some kind of collusion going on. Absent that, Congress is wasting their time and ours.
As for the idea that oil companies or any company should be penalized or assessed "fees" for doing well, by Jove that's nuts. Suppose you invested well as an individual. Does the fact that you've made some bucks make you immoral or require you to divest some of your wealth to me? No.
So why are gas prices so up and why are oil companies making lots of money? Could something else be at play besides simple greed? Don't look too hard or you might have to eat your words.
I'm a regular here. I like Karen's writing even though I don't agree with her all the time. I post anonymously because I can.
Anonymous, besides being totally funny and cool and nice to her doggie, my Big Sis is a lawyer.
I think she pretty much explained price gouging, and if you think the Bush administration is going to look into it, all the hyperlinks in the world won't wise you up.
As for anonymous posting, I personally think it's sort of chicken, but I allow it as long as it doesn't get too crazy or hostile.
My last words on the matter:
Price gouging - It's real, but there is no reason to believe it's at play here. We went through this price gouging allegation last year and came up empty handed. If a complete lack of evidence won't convince you to look elsewhere for an explanation for high gas prices, I can't help you.
Record oil profits - Provide ample support for pushing these oil companies off the government's teat. They do not prove there is price gouging or anything illegal going on.
Calling oil company CEOs before Congress - A complete waste of time.
Directing your anger about high gas prices at oil company CEOs - Also a complete waste of time.
Okay, let me connect the dots for you.
Bush, Rice, Cheney et al are in cahoots with the oil companies.
Price gouging and unjust enrichment are real, they are at play here, and if you want proof- go fill your Hummer tank and feel the sting.
Enabling the oil industry, and by association, the Bush administration is how they've gotten by with it.
Shame on you. No wonder you choose to be anonymous.
Why doesn't anyone understand that the oil companies do not "set" the price of a barrel of oil. It is market supply and demand and they have to pass that price increase on to the consumer. Our homegrown refining companies(Valero)are sucking wind because they have to buy at market price. Their profit margin is extremely small.
There is no conspiracy theory here, W isn't that smart!
I gotta go fill up my Tundra.
Rowdy...I knew it had to be someone I knew in person because the tone wasn't as obnoxious as the typical neo-con.
Tell you what Rowdy, you rich Republican little stooge- I think you should take me out for a huge steak dinner at Mortons or Ruth's Chris and you can explain all this shit to me while I chew.
How about that, babycakes?
P.S. Rowdy and I share the same birthday, but the similarities end there. Except for the lesbian part, of course.
Refineries are a different animal than the likes of Exxon who also drill their own crude Anonymous.
Don't confuse one with the other. I don't know if Valero drills or just refines btw.
Do you work in the industry? Your sure on the Oil bandwagon.
Karen, I promise I am not the anon, I signed the only comment I have had on this subject.
Yes Dusty I am in the oil business AND the financial business. What I try and do for my clients is make them money. It's the American Way!
Zip, I'll take you out on our birthday, my treat.
Rowdy, you got yourself a deal. I'll buy the gas.
I also have a presentation on "the subprime mess explained" in laymans terms using stick figures. Wish I knew how to send it to y'all, but I don't want to "reveal" my identity.
You can explain it to me over dinner (while I'm chewing) and I'll come back and interpret for my readers.
"She said 'Blah blah blah stick people blah blah blah corporate stability blah blah via bailouts blah blah..'"
Morton's has a great two fer surf and turf for only $100 but I may need some wine too, Rowdybaby.
Remember Reagans economic "trickle down" theory? I'm sitting on buckets of money right now and you will benefit from it trickling down and ordering Opus One if you wish!
Opus One?!?!?
Okay, for that I may have to suspend my politics for the night, wear make-up, gold jewelry, shave my legs and just be gracious and charming all evening.
For those who may not know, Opus One is an amazing wine collaboration between California vintner Robert Mondavi and French wine legend Baroness Philippine de Rothschild.
Aged for 20-24 months in new French oak, Opus One 2003 (for example) is a lush, rich, garnet colored vintage that contains 86% Cabernet Sauvignon, 6% merlot, 3% Cabernet Franc, 3% malbec and 2% Petit Verdot grapes.
One sip and you taste entry hints of blackberry, cherries, cocoa and hazelnut.
On the finish, nuances of chocolate and mild licorice linger on the tongue.
Three sips creates an illusion that one's dining partner is especially gorgeous, witty and brilliant.
Half a bottle creates the illusion that reciprocal love is in the air, doves are circling the table and a choir of angels are serenading.
I want a bottle of that for MY birthday ;p
Dusty, lest I sound like a wine whore who'd do about any Republican for a bottle, I have to say Rowdy is one of my favorite people, and she has been for 15 or more years.
She is a superb chef, an ace fisherwoman and boater, incomparably generous, good hearted, funny, kind and sweet.
She's old-school, old-money Texas, a true woman of the land and someone I am proud to call a friend in spite of her Republican brain damage.
Well said KZ
You still crack me up zipdrive, looking foward to our "date". I'm outta here, gotta go play with my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
Be sure and wash your hands before dinner, remember I'm very allergic to cats...
Another D bought for a hunk of meat and a liquor. I'm very disappointed in you Zip.
Huh? She's not buying me sis, she's just *renting me* for the evening. And we have plenty more to gossip about besides politics.
Plus she HATES George W. Bush.
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