Sunday, August 01, 2010

OMG So Cute It Hurts


A World Quite Mad said...

Awww, poor kitty!

nonnie9999 said...

ohhhh!!! how mean!!!

Karen Zipdrive said...

Nah, adult kitties often slap the babies around to teach them to wise up. Kittens are adorable but they are like crazy monkeys, especially around adult cats.
When my cat Nick was a kitten, my adult cat James was gentle with him to a point. But I saw more than a few paw slaps when the baby would get out of hand.
It's a cat/kitten thing.

Lulu Maude said...

clearly Maman does not approve of the chapeau...

Karen Zipdrive said...

Lulu I was thinking the same thing.
Maman thought bebe was putting on airs with that little fedora.

Unknown said...

I am sure this is an adorable vid but my mind is elsewhere lately when it comes to felines. We think someone in the hood is poisoning our cats. All of our indoor/outdoor felines are spayed/ why some asshole would do that is beyond me. ;(

Distributorcap said...

you are right about the cat/kitten thing...