Tuesday, November 09, 2010


Unknown said...

That was SO cute KZ! ;)

Karen Zipdrive said...

The kid is 15, only about 3 feet tall and gawky as hell. But you gotta love his self confidence and credit his parents for rearing him in a supportive environment.

Unknown said...

I do admire his parents because I was thinking about how geeky but self assured he looks. Good people there...too bad all parents can't be like that. From a movie I love:

You have to take a test to get a drivers license, but any asshole can become a parent.

nonnie9999 said...

i wasn't sure if he was a little kid or a teenager. i just hope he's having fun.

Karen Zipdrive said...

They used to call kids like him midgets, but now I think the preferred term is "little person."
He's basically a kid with a PC in his bedroom and the PC has a little video camera in it.
His You Tube videos have gone viral, so now he's popular at his school.
I love how the kid just followed his instincts to have fun and goof around, and now he's ended up conquering the horrible teen angst that comes with feeling different from your peers.