Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Why Santorum Failed to Pull It Off, or Out as the Case May Be

Santorum, noun: sanTORum
The sometimes frothy, usually slimy amalgam of lubricant, stray fecal matter and ejaculate that leaks out of the receiving partner's anus after a session of anal intercourse.

The moral of the story: never upset gay men who know how to achieve maximum Google exposure.
I know it's been used to death, but like a good Village People song, some words never get tiring to hear.

Adios, mofo.


Lulu Maude said...

Rick Santorum: the Catholic Michele Bachmann.

Even Catholics don't want him.

Iain said...

My brain hurts when I try to think of how someone with blatant, unashamed bigotry as his main selling point ever got near high office in 2012. How do you even start a conversation with people who vote for him?

bigsis said...

The idiot was on a roll against Romney but didn't have the good sense to STFU. No, he had to insult JFK, voice his antiquated opinion re contraceptives and call college educated people snobs. He's completely self destructive.
If anyone tells me they're for Frothy, I walk away.