Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Gwen Ifill: "She Blew Me Off"


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I think she blew me off as well but I can't really be sure because the light at the glory hole was kind of murky.

Unknown said...

Had not seen this..thanks KZ.

Distributorcap said...

gwen could have pressed her but didnt

Anonymous said...

It was a side show that wasn't worth watching, and I feel the same about the "debate" tonight.

McCain's rage when his lies are revealed frightens me. Probably the same feeling an abused wife gets when the wrong thing is said and she sees her abuser's face changing just before he starts punching and kicking.

I'll wait for SNL's version of tonight's "debate" and let Tom Bwokah handle deranged McCain and obsequious Obama. I've seen enough of this crap.

Anonymous said...

I've come to the conclusion on these debates that the moderator is simply not needed. Why not just give Gwen a shirt and bow-tie and let Palin and Biden go at it in the Octagon. Or how about all Obama/Biden and McCain/Palin is a winner-take-all Texas Death Cage match. There would be no side stepping the questions then.