Tuesday, November 26, 2002

A friend from Paris sent this to me...

LONDON (Reuters)
Britons have sex more often than Americans and Spaniards,
but are outdone between the sheets by the French, Dutch, Danes and
Canadians, according to a new survey.
The Durex Global Sex survey revealed that Britons make love an average of
149 times a year, pipped only by couples in France (167), the Netherlands
(158), Denmark (152) and Canada (150).
Those taking their love-making at a more relaxed pace included Americans
(138 times a year), New Zealanders, (135) and the Spanish, who limped in at
an annual love rate of just 121.
Some 3,500 people from the UK took part in an online survey organised by
condom manufacturer Durex which polled 50,000 people worldwide.

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