Friday, December 07, 2001


To kill a Leo, trick her into appearing on the Jerry Springer Show and expose some sordid sexual tidbits about her. Or tell the world she's penniless or dumb. She'll die of utter embarrassment.
Leo lesbians are simply luscious, if you like your woman sprinkled with plenty of ego and confidence.
When properly worshipped, the Leo woman will reward her lover with fabulous passion, romantic gifts, lavish praise and plenty of extravagance.
When improperly worshipped, Leo will cheat, say bitchy things and banish you from the royal boudoir. She may also bite your arm and claw your face.
Nobody on Earth throws a better party than a Leo lesbian. Only the best will do for their guests, and they spare no expense on food, drink and entertainment. Look no further than typical Leo, Martha Stewart.
For sex loving lesbians, Leos are a great choice. They are good in bed. Really good in bed.
The world may keep turning while Leo is making love, but in her bed, time and space are transcended and all her partner knows is she never wants it to end.
Leo will size up her lover, find out what she needs and give it to her. Well, that is if the partner measures up. Leo won't mess with losers, the downtrodden, the geeky or any otherwise socially unacceptable mates. A Leo's love is sorely tested if her usually successful mate has a downturn in luck.
To love a Leo, you better plan on making her the center of your universe. She won't tolerate a half-assed mate who doesn't demonstrate deep and abiding adoration on a daily basis.
Leo will have to be the one who decides on whether a relationship will commence from casual to serious. Just try to push her into anything she's not ready for. Ha! Good luck.
To seduce a Leo is fairly easy. Just pretend to be either a knight in shining armor (if she's femme) or a damsel in distress (if she's butch). Leos love to feel like the star of the movie, so they'll jump at the chance to rescue or be rescued and live happily ever after.
To dump a Leo, simply be indifferent, cheap or distracted. The queen of the jungle will soon be searching for fresh meat.

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