Friday, February 22, 2002

Ice Skating Surprise!

Well, well, well.
We all expected Michelle Kwan to win the gold, and in waltzes 16-year-old Sarah Hughes, who skates a near perfect routine and scarfs up the gold for herself.
Just as Sarah finished her once in a lifetime performance, Zed (we were watching TV together on the phone) says, "Oh, little Reba McEntire wins." Little did she know Reba gives me the creeps because she has that sort of trailer trash cross-eyed rat look, so I started laughing so hard I missed the commentary.
Actually, Sarah Hughes is more attractive than Reba and far less cross eyed, but at certain angles it's spooky.
At any rate, the kid certainly knows how to be poised at the winner's circle.
Michelle Kwan held on to her dignity admirably while being awarded the bronze medal, but it was easy to discern her seething disappointment all the same.
She was just a mite too arrogant before the main event. Pride goeth before a jump, where you land and hack a 3-pound chunk out of the ice. I thought they might have to use the Zamboni machine after Kwan gouged out that crater.
My favorite Russian name so far in the Olympics has been silver medalist Irina Slutskaya. She's cute in an All American way, even though she skates for the thin-skinned, whiney Russian team. She earned the silver medal fair and square, I thought.
Zed was all puffed up over the Canucks beating the American women's hockey team for the first time in 50 years. The Canuck players were cute, for a bunch of butch dykes. I'll bet Canadian beer stock prices rose after they got through celebrating.
After the games last night, Ross the Intern from Jay Leno mugged it up with former ice skating medalist Tara Lupinsky. That boy needs to be in a chromosome study somewhere, he is so 50/50. He's a Gen X Liberace. His purple ice skating suit was just ghastly, and I still think he may really be a bull dyke.

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