Friday, April 26, 2002

Zoe Had to Go

Last night on Survivor, Zoe the suspiciously dykey fishing boat captain from Maine, was voted off the island.
Most expected either Robert, the dimwitted yet cranky limo driver, or Tammy the sneaky crime reporter to get the boot, but I think Zoe inched ahead when she made cornball shell jewelry for all the ladies in a classic ass-kissing maneuver after she'd screwed them all over.
Tammy wretched from the sidelines as she watched her former ally Zoe billing and cooing over the other players, muttering angrily to herself all the while. Tammy has interesting teeth, like two big white poker chips.
For sheer television joy, angryyoungblackman Sean got to go on a special field trip with grizzled old white southern judge Paschal, where they were all but French kissing at a special luau planned just for them.
Now that Sean is tight with the nerdy new in-crowd, he's charming, funny and very emotional. He cried actual tears talking about his mama. And Paschal just loves Sean after their male bonding experience.
Neleh, the meek little Mormon, is turning out to be quite the little pistol. Now she and old Paschal are lip kissing to celebrate victories. Tres Lolita!
Kathy is basically the only one who's been a consistent, standup player. I think she's got a little Sapphic side that I kinda like.
Look to Tammy or Robert to get the next ax.

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