Friday, September 12, 2008

From CBS a Few Weeks Ago:

Sarah Palin might think the announcement of her daughter Bristol's pregnancy put an end to the speculation about who Baby Trig's real mother is, but I still don't believe it was Sarah's baby and I never did.
Palin is a proven liar, and nothing makes sense about this kid's dicey birth record.
Let's face it- Palin is so consumed with her career, her future, her public image and her-her-herself, she didn't pay enough parental attention to her daughter as a 16-year-old, and she still hasn't bothered.

Pure white trash.


Anonymous said...

Bristol is the mom, it's beyond obvious, I'm really disgusted with American reporters for not uncovering this sham. It will come out, though.

All we need is Palin's medical record, Trig's hospital record, and voila!

If she keeps refusing to show those - and her taxes - people aren't going to like the show of secrecy from someone who supposedly "reformed" Alaska.

Fran said...

Great video... I am with you, something is not right.

Matthew Hubbard said...

CBC, Karen, not CBS.

Anonymous said...

Ooops. Leave it to the Canuck media to tell the truth when the American media are too lazy or scared to look into jack shit.

Unknown said...

That is interesting..the Canadians will talk about it but not the US media..

I love this mentions all the bullshit.

Anonymous said...


Don't know if I mentioned this here, but I should have: I truly like your blog and the wit behind the lady in charge.

If you don't mind, I would like to blogroll you.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Buelah, I'd be honored to be on your blogroll. :)

Unknown said...

I Dvr'd it bigsis, but thanks for the 411. ;)

Anonymous said...

His name is John Fund. I'd never heard of him before, but he was a piece of work, alright... like bigsis said, a complete pig. Janeane G. was great and I actually liked Roseanne too.

Unknown said...

Roseann Barr?

Anonymous said...

Yes, she came on near the end, and did a good job. I think she looks great, too!

Unknown said...

Thanks Helen! As soon as I have my coffee, I will check out the show. ;)

Anonymous said...

John Fund personified the Republican Party - bloated, condescending, a blatant liar and he took up all the physical space he could to make his point. Like the slobs I generally get seated next to on airplanes.

The other guests (Salman Rushdie, Janeane and Roseanne) were well informed and thoughtful. I hope lulu's spouse didn't have to hear this guy because he was bile provoking.

Anonymous said...

bigsis, right on! Yeah he completely personified the typical neocon - just as you say. And YES Karenzipdrive when he actually pretended to NOT know what the shrub doctrine was I nearly fell out of my fucking chair!! WTF! Even the worst journalist at any major news outlet would have to know what it is! He was so owned by Garofalo it was embarassing (for him). And I heart Salman Rushdie. "Satanic Verses" still remains one of my top favorite reads.

Good to know about Fund's bg, KZD.

Anonymous said...

What really irritates the fuck out of me is the fact that all the political lying, hyporcisy and policy bullshit won't make a dent in the voters' collective psyche. But come out with the story that Palin made up the story that the baby Trig is hers? I think that might be the breaking point.

And our media sits with its thumb up its ass on this because of the McCain campaign's demands that this story no be pursued.

That is exactly why the media should be all over this story. Demand documentation - end the speculation.