Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Is McCain Fuckin' Kidding Us?

(Courtesy Huff Po) The lobbying firm of the man Republicans say John McCain has chosen to begin planning a presidential transition earned more than a quarter of a million dollars this year representing Freddie Mac, one of the companies McCain blames for the nation's financial crisis.

Timmons & Co., whose founder and chairman emeritus is William Timmons Sr., was registered to lobby for Freddie Mac from 2000through this month, when the federal government took over both Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae.

Newly available congressional records show Timmons's firm received $260,000 this year before its lobbying activities were barred under terms of the government rescue of the failed mortgage giant. Timmons, 77, is listed as a lobbyist for Freddie Mac on the company's midyear financial-disclosure form..."

McCain chooses a crook even older than he is to lead his transition team?
Some transition, John.
I just hope the White House is equipped with handicap toilets and plastic covering the chairs, because old geezers like Timmons and McCain will piss themselves once they get the keys to the country.


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Do not question your Republican overlords. It will only lead to bad things.

Randal Graves said...

How come its only the wingnuts that have the disgruntled cadre of assassins?

Anonymous said...

Do you really think the average American schmuck gives a rats ass about this old felon running McCain's transition team? I don't think they do. I think the R's are running the US gov like a really bad nursing home. No one has the snap to complain or stop them so they're robbing us blind.

Anonymous said...

What gets me most are the ads McLame ran accusing Obama of this very same sort of behavior. This is the epitome of hypocrisy. And, yes, sadly, the average shmoe won't give a crap.

dguzman said...

The MSM makes sure the average schoe won't even HEAR it, Helen, so he won't even have a chance to realize he's being fucked up the ass until it's over.

Perhaps THIS is just one more reason McFossil is trying to postpone Friday's debate? God forbid they should ask him about this one!

Love the tag, BTW!