Thursday, September 11, 2008

It Happened on a Republican's Watch

I was watching a man on the street segment on the news recently and the woman being interviewed said she was voting for McCain because, "The Republicans have kept us safe."
Pssst, stupid, the towers came down during Bush's watch.
You call that safe?
Right after 9/11 when Bush and Giulliani and their ilk started making political hay out of the attack, Bush said he refused to retrofit American airports to the security standards of the Tel Aviv airport in Israel because he said "we couldn't afford the $10 billion it would cost to do it."
Yeah, the same $10 billion he wastes every MONTH in Iraq.

With McCain marching in lock step with Bush 90 percent of the time, what's to stop another attack of this magnitude?
Our borders still are not secure.
Our ports still are not secure.
Our airports still are not secure.
And 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden is still out there, likely planning the next attack.

There are madmen out there whose hatred for America has only been exacerbated by BushMcCain rhetoric. "Bring it on" is not an approach that works with angry people who hate us, not for our freedom but for our government's willful arrogance.

Sorry, but being a POW 40 years ago and emerging with the hottest temper in the Senate does not bode well for diplomacy.
Having a Vice President whose global stupidity and ignorance matches that of an average 5th grader is not encouraging, either.

On this anniversary of 9/11, please let the shock and pain of that day inspire you to do something today that will help Obama become our next president.
Donate $9.11 to his campaign. Get a bumper sticker or yard sign. Talk about how the attack happened on Bush's watch in the break room or at lunch. Talk about the $10 billion Bush refused to spend on airport security.

We have to get rid of these Republican idiots before 9/11 happens again. We must!


Randal Graves said...

Everyone knows that 9/11 was caused by The Clenis, which is why we're back up over 50% believing we're ready for another attack.

This is a dumb country.

Karen Zipdrive said...

9/11 happened because Saudis planned it and mostly Saudis did it and the Saudis have owned Bush since they staked him in his ridiculous Arbusto Oil Company.
His daddy wouldn't give him the start-up money, but the Saudis were happy to buy him his lil' oil bidness.
For a price.

dguzman said...

And he's selling billions in weapons to the Saudis as we speak, Karen.

Great post.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...


Karen Zipdrive said...

Bush has gioft wrapped this country and given it to Saudi Arabia, one of the most rightwing extremist countries in the Middle East.
Compared to the Saudis, Hussein was a flaming liberal. They hated him for that- that's why they told Bush to go after him.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree re: the Saudis and if we don't attack Iran for them as well, no telling how they'll "punish" us this time.

Anonymous said...

I thought 9/11 was caused cause there were HOMOSEXUALS in the twin towers.....

JimBob said...

And you know how god just HATES those homersexuals.

And if you DON'T know, just talk to my bible-thumpin' in-laws. They have bought into EVERY repubelican lie ever published.

I shit you not, I had a college-degreed adult (my sis-in-law) tell me just last week (long distance from southern Arkansas) that she couldn't vote for Obama because he's a Muslim.

We should all be scared because there are SO MANY stupid people out there, and they're all voting for mccain.

Anonymous said...

I think the poll numbers they're giving us are lies/skewed. The top 3 pollsters admitted they surveyed more R's this month than last month, DUH!

11 million more registered D voters than R's, if only we can get all of them to actually get off their butts and vote we may be okay.

Anonymous said...

you have brilliantly and succinctly coined the best argument for anyone trying to get through to the idiots.
Right after 9/11 when Bush and Giulliani and their ilk started making political hay out of the attack, Bush said he refused to retrofit American airports to the security standards of the Tel Aviv airport in Israel because he said "we couldn't afford the $10 billion it would cost to do it."
Yeah, the same $10 billion he wastes every MONTH in Iraq.

it's as simple as that. we could have been so much safer by now, but, instead, we are less safe. it's time for some common sense.