Friday, September 19, 2008

She's Getting WAY Ahead of Herself


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

Anonymous said...

KZ... most small businesses I've encountered were run by cheap bastards who were looking to sell the operation for a profit. Otherwise, the Republican trickle down theory would have worked and no jobs would have ever been exported to Mexico, India, Indonesia, China,etc...

Anonymous said...

Dr. Von Monkenstein, I heartily concur. I cannot stand her voice at all. I get the same nauseated reaction that I get at the shrub's voice or seeing Bill Kristol's face.

Hey give the lady credit for telling the truth for once, eh?

Distributorcap said...

someone is wearing the pants in that administration... and it aint todd

Fran said...

She is a bossy beyotch - and we know what she wants.

I think that the Palin hardware store may be the next great American employer... GM, Ford, Walmart, Palin Hardware.

Linda-Sama said...

I think Johnny better hire a food-taster