Friday, September 05, 2008

What Sheer Gall!

Get this.
Sarah Palin is refusing to be interviewed by anyone in the media. A John McCain campaign aide said that she sees no reason why Sarah Palin should have to answer reporters' queries.
Nicole Wallace of the McCain campaign said, "The American people don't care whether Sarah Palin can answer specific questions about foreign and domestic policy."

So, I hope everyone liked her Karl Rovian speech, because that's all you'll get to know about her.

And if you don't like it, suck it.

Meanwhile, the music group Heart has asked the McCain/Palin camp to refrain from using their song, "Barracuda" at further rallies. Naturally, they used the song at the RNC without permission.

It's a good thing I don't call people cunts. That's all I'm saying.


Karen Zipdrive said...

I think the barracudas should sue her for making them look bad.

Fran said...

This will make the disempowered fucktards that like her, like her even more.

Anonymous said...

Rats! Now when the proof of her affair comes out, they can't interview her about it? I feel so gypped.

Anonymous said...

Helen, I think her refusal to deal with the media was a total pre-emptive move because she knows what'll be coming at her.
She's slimy as hell!

Independent said...

She won't be able to evade Troopergate. It WILL happen. Only the Main Stream Corporate Conservative Media (MSCCM) can bury it for her.

Anonymous said...

CNN has really been working her over a lot lately. They invite a pro-Palin bullshitter in occasionally, then they turn Campbell Brown loose on her and she bites their faces off.

Anonymous said...

She is a NASTY damn person alright. Just got news she called Obama "Sambo" I posted about it at my place.

What the hell was KKKarl Rove thinking with this pick??!!

Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding.

Anonymous said...

She allegedly said, upon hearing Obama got the dem nomination: "So, Sambo beat the bitch?"

I almost forgot... that means she also called Hillary the B word.

Utah Savage said...

Muahahaha! I was going to use that line Dr. Monkey.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is she supposed to do when she debates Biden? I'm not too worried about her not giving interviews right now. The press can be very unforgiving to people who refuse to submit to questioning.

Anonymous said...

Robert, I guess she'll debate him, then leave the studio and fly back to Alaska.
I just hope after Biden gets through with her she'll be able to sit down in the airplane.
You think Cheney is letting her use Air Force 2 to fly around?
And even better, you think she'll one day put Air Force 2 on E-Bay?

Randal Graves said...

Didn't Jim Bunning refuse to debate unless he could do it remotely from an undisclosed location? Betcha Sarah does it from the woods after having bagged - read: staged - a moose.

Katie Schwartz said...

The fucking shame of it. I'm so glad Heart asked them to stop using the song. We know who's side their on.

Distributorcap said...

i fallen and i cant get up -- i am laughing way too hard

can i ask - exactly what does a veep do every day

Anonymous said...

Love that integrity!

Anonymous said...

That's not the first time Repubes have used (repeatedly) rock songs without permission, even after having been asked NOT to use them.

Just another indication of what the Repubelican OverLords think of the Laws of the Land; they only apply to the "Little People".

Karen Zipdrive said...

HuffPo has a whole list of musicians who have told McCain to lay off stealing their music.

Cirze said...

If she won't give interviews to anyone, then no one gets to ask her the deal-breaker questions like:

When you found out your daughter was pregnant, did you reconsider your opposition to abortion?

Will you lobby as Vice President to ban birth control pills?

When you were told you were carrying a Down syndrome baby, did you think about stopping all your political activity that might affect its pre-natal health? Did you think about not attending that energy meeting in Texas when you were over seven months pregnant due to the possible adverse health effects on the baby ?

Did it occur to you that flying back to Alaska after your water broke might result in the death of your baby?

I could go on, but you see the type information U.S. voters/citizens will not be able to obtain if she is protected from having to be interviewed by a wide range of sources.

Only a complete fraud would be allowed by all the involved parties to get away with this strategy. They must have known all along how they would use her. And they have to have the knowledgeable acquiescence of the MSM.

I'm just saying . . . .
